Quango Computing Pty Ltd - home of APILoader and LoMAppS

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Resume of Ian Blavins 

JMeter software performance engineer specialising in complex engagements especially those requiring tool and infrastructure development

Work undertaken


Work undertaken

While having in the past provided the full range of performance engineering services I now only undertake particularly challenging performance testing and/or engineering projects involving my own APILoader tool, JMeter, other open source tools, or custom-built tools. These projects are likely to require development of infrastructure, interfaces, and/or processes.

While having worked with all the major performance testing tools I now focus exclusively on JMeter and other open source and custom-built tools. I draw as necessary on my considerable experience in the development of performance testing infrastructure in the application of these tools to complex projects.

Your project might involve any of the following:

  • deployment of APILoader to a very high throughput API testing project
  • development of a customised version of APILoader for your API-based site
  • implementation of protocols for JMeter
  • component-based testing
  • large-scale data generation
  • construction of specialised data analysis tools
  • unusually large volumes
  • unusually complex tests
  • custom-built testing harnesses
  • performance diagnosis and remediation
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Resume of Ian Blavins, Performance engineering infrastructure developer and software performance engineer
Last updated: 10th June 2020

Quango Computing Pty Ltd
ABN 38 008 029 007